Makeup My Ride or Die Picks
I would without hesitation spend all my spare cash on makeup. I love trying new bits, trying to find the perfect foundation, eye shadow pallet for every occasion, the best mascara’s are the expensive ones worth it? What about brows how do you get the perfect look? I haven’t even touched on highlighters, lipgloss, bronzers, brushes etc..
It’s fair to say I am a bit obsessed, my makeup collection is vast but I do have my go to products no matter what, my ride or die picks. The ones that never ever let you down. When I am going away for a weekend or I am off to a desert island where I obviously need to look my best. What bits do you 100% take with me?
I have a mixture of super expensive bits to high street items. I don’t really care how much things cost within reason, if it works then it’s in. These are my top picks every time.